The planning process for Together We Create YOUR Downtown kicked off in January 2023 and is expected to conclude in September 2023 with adoption by City Council. The schedule below provides and overview of the planning process, with descriptions of what will occur during each phase. Community outreach and engagement is integrated throughout the downtown master planning process. Each phase includes outreach and engagement through community meetings, a survey, feedback through this microsite, etc. The planning process also includes an advisory committee consisting of diverse members from the City and other stakeholders who will guide the development of the plan.

Planning Process

Project Initiation and Existing Conditions Analysis
• Tour of Downtown Lenoir and The Campus, located at the historic Lenoir High School
• Existing Materials Review
• Existing Conditions Analysis
• Review of Existing Downtown Amenities and Programs
• Development Trends Analysis
• Review of The Campus facilities
• Market and Program Review and Analysis for The Campus
• Define Project Goals and Objectives
Advisory Committee Meeting, Stakeholder Interviews, Community Meeting/Workshop
Visioning and Initial Options
• Benchmarking and Trends Analysis
• Initial Ideas and Recommendations
• Program and Concept Options for The Campus
• Pros and Cons Analysis
Plan Development
• Select and Develop Preferred Options for the Downtown
• Develop Concept Plans
• Select a Preferred Option for the Highest and Best Use Recommendations for The Campus
Draft and Final Master Plan with Recommendations
• Develop Funding Strategies
• Develop Draft Recommendations and Report
• Finalize Graphics and Renderings
• Develop Final Master Plan
City of Lenoir, NC
Planning Team |