
In planning, it is essential to understand the people that make up a place. Engagement is a great way to build that understanding, but only to a point—there are always limitations in who we see, talk to, and hear from. Demographic data can help fill in some of the gaps. Combining the two (engagement and data), we can begin to identify the amenities and assets that might be considered for Downtown Lenoir to cultivate a sense of ownership and belonging for those in the community. The demographic analysis suggests that:
  • Lenoir and the region are growing.
  • The Downtown is diverse. 
  • There are varying levels of educational attainment.
  • The population is young.
  • A large percentage of the population lives below the Federal Poverty Level. 
These points are visualized in the following photo gallery.

Demographic +
Market Analysis
Lenoir Downtown Festivals and Events
Most Downtown events are centered around Church, West, and Main Streets.

• Major events, like the NC Blackberry Festival, Carolina Tattoo and Arts Gathering, and Wood, Fire,Smoke Festival, are located here to use the City-owned parking lot and adjacent streets and businesses
• Smaller events or events gathering more local audiences tend to rely on Main St., West Ave., and Harper Ave. road closures

There are no major events held on the edges of the MSD or close to The Campus*
Downtown Opportunities and Constraints
  • City-owned properties
  • Improved programming & definitions for open spaces
  • Walkability & Downtown connections
  • Improved safety & visibility on the OVT Trail
  • Unique businesses
  • Neighborhood & small district identity opportunities
  • Community use of the Campus facilities
  • Missing pedestrian connections
  • Streetwall gaps & inactive frontages
  • Speeding traffic & one-way streets
  • Lack of affordable and mixed-income housing
  • Vacant & underutilized properties
  • Lack of ADA compliance at Mack Cook Stadium
  • Lack of adequate parking at the Campus
  • No connection to J.E. Broyhill Park
City of Lenoir, NC
Planning Team |