Frequently Asked Questions

Why create a downtown master plan?
Planning is essential to the life and vitality of a healthy downtown. A master plan sets a vision for the downtown and outlines the path to get there. The document will inform decision making and policy setting and will ensure the vibrancy of Downtown Lenoir for years to come.
Does the master plan include anything outside of the borders of the Downtown?
Yes! Downtown Lenoir is located within a National Historic District, the MSD (Municipal Service District, and the B3 Central Business Zone, but we are evaluating connections to other areas nearby. Together We Create Your Downtown will also consider The Campus (the historic Lenoir High School). Specifically, the plan will identify uses for the gymnasium, former band building, and football field.
How will the proposed changes and improvements in the master plan be implemented?
Wherever possible, the plan will also identify City staff, departments, and community partners who could manage and take responsibility for completing recommendations. City staff, departments, and community partners who might take ownership over a recommendation and responsibility for seeing it through will also be identified.
How can I get involved?
Take your pick! You are invited to leave us a comment in the comment box, take the community survey, come to a community event, or do all three. We look forward to hearing from you!
City of Lenoir, NC
Planning Team |