What is a Downtown
Master Plan?

A master plan is a long-term planning document that guides growth and development.
The City of Lenoir is embarking on its first downtown master plan. It will guide and support downtown revitalization and redevelopment efforts over the next 10 years. Once completed, the plan — titled Together We Create YOUR Downtown — will inform City investments toward strategic infrastructure and public spaces; spur additional investment in downtown housing, commercial development, culture, and recreation; and serve as a policy and visual guide for downtown’s growth.
Our Process

How is a Master
Plan created?

A master plan is created through an iterative, research-based, and community informed process.
Master plans take a holistic look at a community—where it has been, where it is now, and where it is headed in the future. To that end, community engagement is a key component of every plan, as is field research, conditions assessment, data collection, and analysis. At the beginning of the planning process, the planning team works to collect as much information as possible. Once that information is gathered and assessed, recommendations are made to address gaps and opportunities. These recommendations are shared back with the community for feedback, then adjusted as needed. This practice of creating and sharing back continues throughout the duration of the planning process.
Master Plan Objectives
  • Action-oriented and comprehensive 10- year plan inclusive of the rehabilitation of The Campus
  • Examine trends that impact development patterns in the community including The Campus
  • Guide City investments toward strategic infrastructure and public spaces
  • Continue to build on previous success and ongoing initiatives
  • Guide City investments toward strategic infrastructure and public spaces
  • Achievable plan with attainable goals
  • Spur additional investment in Downtown housing, commercial development, culture, and recreation
  • Collaborate with stakeholders and the Advisory Committee
Planning and Design Principles
  • Diversity
  • Inclusion
  • Focused on the demographic characteristics of the region and city
  • Focused on arts, culture, heritage, and what is uniquely Lenoir
  • Focused on the demographic characteristics of the region and city
  • Activities for children / familes
  • Focused on the pedestrian environment, safety, security, and traffic calming
  • Connect with local, regional, and national trails (Blue Rudge Heritage Trail, Overmountain Victory NHT)
  • Enhance wayfinding, signage and accessibility
  • Multi-Modal (vehicular, bike, and parking)
  • Neighborhood connections
Mixed Uses
  • Variety of residential options, including mixed income and affordable housing
  • More parks and active open space
  • Diversity of restaurants, cultural, and entertainment facilities
  • Adaptive reuse of second floors and vacant buildings
  • Access to healthy food (grocery store, farmer's market)
Placemaking and Urban Design
  • Tactical urbanism
  • Placemaking
  • Historic Preservation
  • Landscape and streetscape standards
  • 24/7 vibrancy
Policy and Capacity
  • Increase capacity to manage, operate, program, and maintain the municipal services district, Downtown and The Campus
  • Communication modes
  • Fundraising and capital campaigns
  • Policy implementation
Big Ideas
These are big themes we might zoom in or focus on as part of the plan. They can be mixed and matched in any number of ways
Resuse and Redevelopment
  • Infill Opportunities
  • Strategic Redevelopment
  • Greenway and Connections
District and Anchors
  • Downtown Core and MU Districts
  • Anchor Developments
  • Gateway Park
Downtown Edges
  • Eastern and Western Edges
  • Opportunistic Development
  • Replace Vacant/Underutilized Facilities
Catyltic Development
  • The Campus to revitalize the West End of the Downtown
  • Renovate The Campus (Harper Band Building) through partnerships
Strategic Improvements
  • Incremental improvements leveraging existing assets.
Downtown Photos
City of Lenoir, NC
Planning Team |